Friday, May 28, 2010

An Awesome Social Life With A Possible Screw Loose

Hello everyone, I've just missed you all soooo much that I thought I should get started on some new stuff ^,^
Lol JK, I had people pestering me ;P Nawww JK, I love you pplz... Or do I... >.>

First off I think I'll start of with some random game-talk-ramble-stuff... For some strange reason I feel like it just fits this blog... Weird, huh? Then I'll probably go on to talk about some other stuff about me and other random things. We'll just have to wait and see, well you won't have to wait all that long unless you're quite slow at reading. Anyways....

I still seem to be quite stuck in the whole Modern Warfare 2 craze. About 65% of the time I'm on my ps3, I'll be playing it (online of course). It's like a magical instant-gratification/disappointment maker. Even though it abosolutely ticks me off at times, I will eventually go back to it and try again for those instant highs ;P
I think I'm already in love with CoD: Black Ops. I want my scoped crossbow with explosive bolts naow, people go tick, tick, boom! =D
Red Dead Redemption & Lost Planet 2 both look like games that I'd be able to get hooked onto as well. As far as I've heard they're both pretty solid for single play and have fairly awesome online play, which is a fairly big selling point for me as I find playing games with other people is definitely more fun, just because you can't see/touch the person doesn't mean you can't interact with them. It may not be what some people call a great social life, but it's better then nothing and it's not like I play games all the time, I love to actually hang out with friends. (Pst, invite me to things, I need a life!)

Lately (excluding wednesday) I've been pretty happy or at least neutral-ish, just above neutral. I've also been wishing ever so much that I could sing =( Sucks when you really like doing something but you're really terrible at it xD I've also been prone to have little "dance" sessions in my room which are quite possibly some form of a fit. Don't worry though, I'll be seeing a doctor within the week ;P
But even with the general happy-ish feeling, I've also been sorta eh... Yea, I don't know how to explain it, I just wish that some things weren't so confusing and equivical (if that's even the right word =/). Oh well, I can handle it. ^,^ (Note: If you see me rocking in the fetal position out on the street, it may be best to take me to a hospital or something >.>)
Btw, that was an attempt at a joke. I don't think I'd do that... But going to find the nearest cliff... I should probably stop these before someone takes me seriously =P

I should probably finish this up now... Thanks for stopping by and remember... I'll be watching you ;)
Hehe... I'm such a stalking creep with an obsession for ellipses ^,^

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