(Just a quick warning, this one is quite long, but it should make up for the long wait ;P)
Well that was pretty interesting... I was going to get a few hours of sleep before school, but got distracted by a live stream video of Microsoft's opening show (or whatever you'd call it) at E3 and decided that I'd make a blog about it.
For anyone who doesn't already know, E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo, which is an annual show that is pretty much the biggest expo around for video games. It's where many video game developers showcase their upcoming games and hardware for the current year and sometimes larger projects coming the next year.
I didn't see it all from the start, but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss out on too much and I got to see alot of kool things... So here they are! =D
First was a trailer of the new installment for the Metal Gear series, Metal Gear Solid: Uprising.
The main character is Raiden (protagonist & player character of MGS2: Sons of Liberty), appearing in a new cyborg exoskeleton.
In the trailer, Raiden is shown dicing some enemies up, including a few in slow motion where it appears that you get to choose exactly how you cut them (I hope I won't be the only one yelling "Off with his head!" a few times while playing this ;P). You also see the ability to cut "anything", one demonstration of which was cutting the supports of an overhang and having it crash down on your enemies, the other demonstration was also using the ability to choose how you cut things, to neatly slice up a watermelon.
Second was a live four player co-op demo of Gears of War 3. The short demo featured the new playable female characters for the four player co-op (was only two player co-op in the last two games), new COG characters, new weapons, & Lambent enemy types, including the Lambent Berserker. Although this game is only set to come out april next year, the graphics and gameplay in the form of a blood & gore fest shown in the demo looked amazing.
Third was a brand new trailer for Fable 3. There wasn't all that many new things shown, but the trailer featured some exciting gameplay that would make anyone who liked either of the previous games impatient for the release of this one on October 26th.
Fourth was some gameplay from Halo: Reach's single player. This showed some of the features which have been quite well spread via the online multiplayer beta of the game, and it also included a short first look at the space fighting and hints of a possible multiplayer dogfight game mode (like some of my friends would know well from Warhawk... except this is in space! xD).
Fifth was the Kinect for Xbox 360(Just think PlayStation Eye).
Kinect will enable people to access many parts of their 360 without a controller through the use of their voice and/or body movements. The capabilities of the Kinect start right from signing in, just wave your hand and the Kinect will automatically recognise you and sign in to your avatar (Not from first time use of course, don't be foolish -_-), from there you can use your hands or voice to enter your movies, music, video chat, or games.
They showed many games (including demos) that will be specifically for the Kinect, including a fitness game, Kinect Adventure, Kinectimals (where you can pet the cute little animals!!!), and Dance Central (which actually doesn't look too bad due to how easily the Kinect seemed to pick up all their movement, however I don't think I'd play this at all... unless it was in the privacy of my house... alone... naked... >.>).
Also this is due to be out November 4th with 15 launch titles (as in games) =P
Last was the announcement of the new Xbox 360 which is being shipped today and should be in stores quite soon! The new design is slimmer (looked to be roughly 3/4 as tall when standing up), and the new hardware comes with a 250gb hard drive (with a little "hidden" compartment where it can easily be removed... and replaced with a much larger hard drive ;P) and an inbuilt Wi-Fi support.
It was also announce that the price of the new Xbox 360 should be the same as Elite's currently are, and the prices of the Xbox 360 - Arcade & Elite should both be dropped.
Somewhere in there, there was also a very short live-action trailer depicting a new Xbox only game from the German developer Crytek (best known for developing Far Cry & Crysis) called Codename Kingdoms. The trailer featured gladiators, but there weren't many other details that were made apparent.
Although it's only very early in and they're not sure whether it's even going to be first or third person game, this is quite possibly an attempt to "counter" Sony's God of War series.
I did try to throw in some of my usual random comments in there, but I'm still sorry for anyone who isn't really interested in games. This is my blog and this is something that I found really interesting and wished to talk about, so you'll just have to hope it's not so game orientated next time =P (although E3 has only just started and that was only the beginning of Microsoft's part...) ^,^ I don't have a very interesting life anyways =/
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
No Internet? That's My Nightmare
Well my internet is currently down, which is pretty sucky... I'm just typing this into wordpad so my future self can post it for all you wonderful people to read =P
Earlier today the internet just stopped, the phone wasn't working or anything. So I decided to go to my brothers place early to have dinner and wait a few hours until 9:30, when we went to see Nightmare on Elm Street. I haven't seen any of the classic ones (only a couple of tiny bits), so I can't give a comparison between the classic and the remake, but I can give my impression of the remake.
The movie is filled with tense moments in which the creepy music, dark areas and flickering lights get your heart beating faster before you even get a glimpse of the movies antagonist. The appearances of Freddie as he constantly seems to come out of no where are usually accompanied by sudden loud tones/noises to startle you even if you guessed what was coming.
There're distinct shots throughout the movie that show the distorting of time/space which usually represent the characters entering into the dreamworld that is Freddies. Though there are times where these changes are quite subtle, leaving you wondering whether freddie's just about to pop out or not.
Personally I think that you should go watch it for yourself. Although I didn't pay (thanks bro ^,^), I guess I can at least say that it was well worth the time =P
Apparently we can either have the internet or the phone working, the connection is faulty or something, so dad's going to buy a new one sometime (I hope that time is soon) =(
Last night I did get a bit paranoid as I walked down the hall with none of the lights on, but I didn't have much trouble going to sleep and I actually had a nice dream... Which is quite unusual without having watched a "scary" movie xD
Well my internet is currently down, which is pretty sucky... I'm just typing this into wordpad so my future self can post it for all you wonderful people to read =P
Earlier today the internet just stopped, the phone wasn't working or anything. So I decided to go to my brothers place early to have dinner and wait a few hours until 9:30, when we went to see Nightmare on Elm Street. I haven't seen any of the classic ones (only a couple of tiny bits), so I can't give a comparison between the classic and the remake, but I can give my impression of the remake.
The movie is filled with tense moments in which the creepy music, dark areas and flickering lights get your heart beating faster before you even get a glimpse of the movies antagonist. The appearances of Freddie as he constantly seems to come out of no where are usually accompanied by sudden loud tones/noises to startle you even if you guessed what was coming.
There're distinct shots throughout the movie that show the distorting of time/space which usually represent the characters entering into the dreamworld that is Freddies. Though there are times where these changes are quite subtle, leaving you wondering whether freddie's just about to pop out or not.
Personally I think that you should go watch it for yourself. Although I didn't pay (thanks bro ^,^), I guess I can at least say that it was well worth the time =P
Apparently we can either have the internet or the phone working, the connection is faulty or something, so dad's going to buy a new one sometime (I hope that time is soon) =(
Last night I did get a bit paranoid as I walked down the hall with none of the lights on, but I didn't have much trouble going to sleep and I actually had a nice dream... Which is quite unusual without having watched a "scary" movie xD
Friday, May 28, 2010
An Awesome Social Life With A Possible Screw Loose
Hello everyone, I've just missed you all soooo much that I thought I should get started on some new stuff ^,^
Lol JK, I had people pestering me ;P Nawww JK, I love you pplz... Or do I... >.>
First off I think I'll start of with some random game-talk-ramble-stuff... For some strange reason I feel like it just fits this blog... Weird, huh? Then I'll probably go on to talk about some other stuff about me and other random things. We'll just have to wait and see, well you won't have to wait all that long unless you're quite slow at reading. Anyways....
I still seem to be quite stuck in the whole Modern Warfare 2 craze. About 65% of the time I'm on my ps3, I'll be playing it (online of course). It's like a magical instant-gratification/disappointment maker. Even though it abosolutely ticks me off at times, I will eventually go back to it and try again for those instant highs ;P
I think I'm already in love with CoD: Black Ops. I want my scoped crossbow with explosive bolts naow, people go tick, tick, boom! =D
Red Dead Redemption & Lost Planet 2 both look like games that I'd be able to get hooked onto as well. As far as I've heard they're both pretty solid for single play and have fairly awesome online play, which is a fairly big selling point for me as I find playing games with other people is definitely more fun, just because you can't see/touch the person doesn't mean you can't interact with them. It may not be what some people call a great social life, but it's better then nothing and it's not like I play games all the time, I love to actually hang out with friends. (Pst, invite me to things, I need a life!)
Lately (excluding wednesday) I've been pretty happy or at least neutral-ish, just above neutral. I've also been wishing ever so much that I could sing =( Sucks when you really like doing something but you're really terrible at it xD I've also been prone to have little "dance" sessions in my room which are quite possibly some form of a fit. Don't worry though, I'll be seeing a doctor within the week ;P
But even with the general happy-ish feeling, I've also been sorta eh... Yea, I don't know how to explain it, I just wish that some things weren't so confusing and equivical (if that's even the right word =/). Oh well, I can handle it. ^,^ (Note: If you see me rocking in the fetal position out on the street, it may be best to take me to a hospital or something >.>)
Btw, that was an attempt at a joke. I don't think I'd do that... But going to find the nearest cliff... I should probably stop these before someone takes me seriously =P
I should probably finish this up now... Thanks for stopping by and remember... I'll be watching you ;)
Hehe... I'm such a stalking creep with an obsession for ellipses ^,^
Lol JK, I had people pestering me ;P Nawww JK, I love you pplz... Or do I... >.>
First off I think I'll start of with some random game-talk-ramble-stuff... For some strange reason I feel like it just fits this blog... Weird, huh? Then I'll probably go on to talk about some other stuff about me and other random things. We'll just have to wait and see, well you won't have to wait all that long unless you're quite slow at reading. Anyways....
I still seem to be quite stuck in the whole Modern Warfare 2 craze. About 65% of the time I'm on my ps3, I'll be playing it (online of course). It's like a magical instant-gratification/disappointment maker. Even though it abosolutely ticks me off at times, I will eventually go back to it and try again for those instant highs ;P
I think I'm already in love with CoD: Black Ops. I want my scoped crossbow with explosive bolts naow, people go tick, tick, boom! =D
Red Dead Redemption & Lost Planet 2 both look like games that I'd be able to get hooked onto as well. As far as I've heard they're both pretty solid for single play and have fairly awesome online play, which is a fairly big selling point for me as I find playing games with other people is definitely more fun, just because you can't see/touch the person doesn't mean you can't interact with them. It may not be what some people call a great social life, but it's better then nothing and it's not like I play games all the time, I love to actually hang out with friends. (Pst, invite me to things, I need a life!)
Lately (excluding wednesday) I've been pretty happy or at least neutral-ish, just above neutral. I've also been wishing ever so much that I could sing =( Sucks when you really like doing something but you're really terrible at it xD I've also been prone to have little "dance" sessions in my room which are quite possibly some form of a fit. Don't worry though, I'll be seeing a doctor within the week ;P
But even with the general happy-ish feeling, I've also been sorta eh... Yea, I don't know how to explain it, I just wish that some things weren't so confusing and equivical (if that's even the right word =/). Oh well, I can handle it. ^,^ (Note: If you see me rocking in the fetal position out on the street, it may be best to take me to a hospital or something >.>)
Btw, that was an attempt at a joke. I don't think I'd do that... But going to find the nearest cliff... I should probably stop these before someone takes me seriously =P
I should probably finish this up now... Thanks for stopping by and remember... I'll be watching you ;)
Hehe... I'm such a stalking creep with an obsession for ellipses ^,^
Monday, May 17, 2010
Me + All Nighters = Problems
I don't have the iPod touch to post a heap of weird, little status updates on facebook (doing them on the computer isn't the same).
But I thought my blog could substitute, though I'll try to refrain from inflating my it with a bunch of senseless posts and keep it to only one extra.
At about half past 12 I decided to go to sleep, but I thought that if I was even slightly consistent with how I've been the past half a week, I'd sleep half the day away.
Halfway through getting ready to go to sleep, I decided to stay up all night and just try to stay at least half awake during school.
I'm about halfway through the night now (from when I decided to stay up) and I've just been doing stuff to keep myself entertained (playing games, listening to music, reading a book and writing a blog update).
Halfway through 4 o' clock I was wondering how funny it'd be if I actually fell asleep in class and they couldn't wake me up so they just kept on as if I weren't there. But I decided that if they literally couldn't wake me up (shouting, water, hitting me with a chair, etc.), they'd probably call an ambulance or something...
+ I was purposely saying 'half' alot... I know you probably could have done better, but I am me, not you...
I guess I'll put a movie on or something... Cya later!!! Or I could say "Hello there now!!!" O.O Since you're only just reading this now! =O
But I thought my blog could substitute, though I'll try to refrain from inflating my it with a bunch of senseless posts and keep it to only one extra.
At about half past 12 I decided to go to sleep, but I thought that if I was even slightly consistent with how I've been the past half a week, I'd sleep half the day away.
Halfway through getting ready to go to sleep, I decided to stay up all night and just try to stay at least half awake during school.
I'm about halfway through the night now (from when I decided to stay up) and I've just been doing stuff to keep myself entertained (playing games, listening to music, reading a book and writing a blog update).
Halfway through 4 o' clock I was wondering how funny it'd be if I actually fell asleep in class and they couldn't wake me up so they just kept on as if I weren't there. But I decided that if they literally couldn't wake me up (shouting, water, hitting me with a chair, etc.), they'd probably call an ambulance or something...
+ I was purposely saying 'half' alot... I know you probably could have done better, but I am me, not you...
I guess I'll put a movie on or something... Cya later!!! Or I could say "Hello there now!!!" O.O Since you're only just reading this now! =O
Photography... Oh, How I Missed You + Much Ado About Nothing (Take it as it looks, no possible Elizabethan English slang here...)
I'm pretty sure that up until wednesday, the only thing my computer had along the lines of digital art was Paint.
But now I have a copy of Photoshop CS2 that I got off Brad H. So far I've just been messing around with it a bit, testing a bunch of the tools to see what they do =P
I altered one of my sunset photos to try and make it look a bit space like. At first I just used the basic things that came with my copy of CS2 (which was somewhat difficult). I also have a copy of the photo with a few paintbrushes made by ~JaneDoeStock.
I've only just started to get a bunch more paintbrushes, but I haven't taken the time to try them out. I'm planning on attempting to make something or alter another of my photos in the near future (probably a few weeks =P).
For a couple days before I got CS2 I was using www.photoshop.com. It's really quite awesome and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick and easy way to touch up and alter photos. The toolbars are really simple and straightforward. The only downside is the fact that you have to upload your photos and you obviously need constant internet access.
For anyone who is interested (and doesn't already know about it), here is a link straight to my dA gallery. shamarai's Gallery (Yeah, I didn't put a capital at the start of my username... Bite me!)
This is where I put just about all my photos that I think are worth seeing, so I'd appreciate it if you just had a quick peek ^,^
I'm pretty sure you don't need to register or anything just to browse my photos.
I generally don't like giving things generic names, but I suck at thinking of names, so I have quite a few 'Sunset #' & 'June #'. (sorry)
I don't really have all that much going on in my life or in my mind atm. Or at least, not anything interesting that I want to talk about. But if you reallllly want me to....
Yesterday I planned to figure out the reasons that I procrastinate... But then I found a very peculiar spot on my shirt. I didn't end up figuring out what it was, but I guess it was just a bit of dirt or something... What was I talking about again? Oh well, It's getting late and I really should be going to sleep. I'll probably remember what I was talking about later.
I'll try to lead a bit more of an interesting life this week so I'll have more to write about. Please get bare with me... Wait, I mean 'please bear with me'... Yeah, that's the one... >.>
P.S. If you had a peek at my photos and have some good ideas for names... Lemme know =P
P.P.S. I just read through this and noticed how I pretty much only went on about my photos and stuffs. I would add something else, but I'm too lazy... You know, you didn't have to read this anyways!!! -.- (I'm assuming if you're reading this right now, that you have actually read the whole thing... If you for some reason didn't and you're just reading this... What the hell?! Who reads just the last bit?)
FYI, I just "wikipedia'd" interrobang to see whether it was '!?' or '?!'. Apparently it's '?!', to emphasise that it's a question.
I also realised the other day that if the light's out when I go to listen to my iPod while I go to sleep, I'll use the light of the iPod just to make sure I have the earphones in the right ears... THE LETTERS ARE ON THEM FOR A REASON!!!
I also just realised that my "What the hell?!" part is not actually the end any more... Well, shit...
I'm saying 'just', 'also' & 'realised' way too many times imo... Good night/morning (when does morning start? I don't want to google/wikipedia it, I do that WAY too often). I JUST LIKE TO BE SURE! -.- (Yes, I know that the internet isn't always right, but seeing multiple websites say the same thing gives me the general opinion of how something is. Which I will accept.)
+ I probably shouldn't have those 'P.S.'s up there any more...
+ Who gets the last bit of the title? >.> Lol
But now I have a copy of Photoshop CS2 that I got off Brad H. So far I've just been messing around with it a bit, testing a bunch of the tools to see what they do =P
I altered one of my sunset photos to try and make it look a bit space like. At first I just used the basic things that came with my copy of CS2 (which was somewhat difficult). I also have a copy of the photo with a few paintbrushes made by ~JaneDoeStock.
I've only just started to get a bunch more paintbrushes, but I haven't taken the time to try them out. I'm planning on attempting to make something or alter another of my photos in the near future (probably a few weeks =P).
For a couple days before I got CS2 I was using www.photoshop.com. It's really quite awesome and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick and easy way to touch up and alter photos. The toolbars are really simple and straightforward. The only downside is the fact that you have to upload your photos and you obviously need constant internet access.
For anyone who is interested (and doesn't already know about it), here is a link straight to my dA gallery. shamarai's Gallery (Yeah, I didn't put a capital at the start of my username... Bite me!)
This is where I put just about all my photos that I think are worth seeing, so I'd appreciate it if you just had a quick peek ^,^
I'm pretty sure you don't need to register or anything just to browse my photos.
I generally don't like giving things generic names, but I suck at thinking of names, so I have quite a few 'Sunset #' & 'June #'. (sorry)
I don't really have all that much going on in my life or in my mind atm. Or at least, not anything interesting that I want to talk about. But if you reallllly want me to....
Yesterday I planned to figure out the reasons that I procrastinate... But then I found a very peculiar spot on my shirt. I didn't end up figuring out what it was, but I guess it was just a bit of dirt or something... What was I talking about again? Oh well, It's getting late and I really should be going to sleep. I'll probably remember what I was talking about later.
I'll try to lead a bit more of an interesting life this week so I'll have more to write about. Please get bare with me... Wait, I mean 'please bear with me'... Yeah, that's the one... >.>
P.S. If you had a peek at my photos and have some good ideas for names... Lemme know =P
P.P.S. I just read through this and noticed how I pretty much only went on about my photos and stuffs. I would add something else, but I'm too lazy... You know, you didn't have to read this anyways!!! -.- (I'm assuming if you're reading this right now, that you have actually read the whole thing... If you for some reason didn't and you're just reading this... What the hell?! Who reads just the last bit?)
FYI, I just "wikipedia'd" interrobang to see whether it was '!?' or '?!'. Apparently it's '?!', to emphasise that it's a question.
I also realised the other day that if the light's out when I go to listen to my iPod while I go to sleep, I'll use the light of the iPod just to make sure I have the earphones in the right ears... THE LETTERS ARE ON THEM FOR A REASON!!!
I also just realised that my "What the hell?!" part is not actually the end any more... Well, shit...
I'm saying 'just', 'also' & 'realised' way too many times imo... Good night/morning (when does morning start? I don't want to google/wikipedia it, I do that WAY too often). I JUST LIKE TO BE SURE! -.- (Yes, I know that the internet isn't always right, but seeing multiple websites say the same thing gives me the general opinion of how something is. Which I will accept.)
+ I probably shouldn't have those 'P.S.'s up there any more...
+ Who gets the last bit of the title? >.> Lol
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Boredom, the instigator of many great ideas... and some not so great ones...
First off I'd like to say... Happy 18th Tay! ^,^
+ Sorry everyone for this taking over a week to get out, I just haven't been in the mood to take the time and do one.
My sister got a new camera the other day. It's a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH3 (picture over there>>>)
It's pretty nice, I've only stol- ...borrowed her camera a few times so far, but I got some nice photos (See 'Ninja' photo album on facebook ^,^)
Yesterday I had a mock trial at Batemans Bay. It was my second one and I was playing basically the same part as last time, but for some reason I was much more nervous this time, felt like such an idiot >.<
Anyways, we easily won the case, but we lost the mock trial in points.
ONE freaking point -_- That sucked, we missed out on getting a free lunch =( Lol
As everyone who reads this may have seen, I made a little random lolly house yesterday afternoon/night because I got bored. I think I might make a cake and build a lolly house on it, but I'll decorate it all up to make it look awesome, maybe cover it in icing and have candy canes and such on it.
I might use someones birthday as an excuse, or I'll just do it sometime for the hell of it. If so I'll take lots of photos and make sure to try and share it with anyone who wants some ^,^
Because of Austar being stupid and all, taking stuff like cartoon network completely out of the guide. I didn't know whether Deltora Quest was on more than just saturday, so I missed 2 episodes on sunday =(
I've now checked the cartoon network website and found that it's 2 episodes saturday morning and repeats of those 2 at night, the next 2 episodes sunday morning and night, then those 4 episodes are spread over monday-thursday at 5:30pm.
I've had to catch up on the last 2 episodes on the net, but I couldn't find any dubbed versions and I'm not too sure how accurate the subbed one was, considering for about a minute they had "[Something... something... about the exit :P :)]"
But oh well, I've read the books and I have a basic idea of what was going on since it's supposed to follow the books fairly closely.
I think I'm going to finish it up here since I don't know what other random boring stuff to bring up.
Better hope you didn't say anything bad about this while reading it, I'll be listening/watching 8D
P.S. I haven't had a postscript in a while... Yay, Deltora Quest soon xD
+ Sorry everyone for this taking over a week to get out, I just haven't been in the mood to take the time and do one.

It's pretty nice, I've only stol- ...borrowed her camera a few times so far, but I got some nice photos (See 'Ninja' photo album on facebook ^,^)
Yesterday I had a mock trial at Batemans Bay. It was my second one and I was playing basically the same part as last time, but for some reason I was much more nervous this time, felt like such an idiot >.<
Anyways, we easily won the case, but we lost the mock trial in points.
ONE freaking point -_- That sucked, we missed out on getting a free lunch =( Lol
As everyone who reads this may have seen, I made a little random lolly house yesterday afternoon/night because I got bored. I think I might make a cake and build a lolly house on it, but I'll decorate it all up to make it look awesome, maybe cover it in icing and have candy canes and such on it.
I might use someones birthday as an excuse, or I'll just do it sometime for the hell of it. If so I'll take lots of photos and make sure to try and share it with anyone who wants some ^,^
Because of Austar being stupid and all, taking stuff like cartoon network completely out of the guide. I didn't know whether Deltora Quest was on more than just saturday, so I missed 2 episodes on sunday =(
I've now checked the cartoon network website and found that it's 2 episodes saturday morning and repeats of those 2 at night, the next 2 episodes sunday morning and night, then those 4 episodes are spread over monday-thursday at 5:30pm.
I've had to catch up on the last 2 episodes on the net, but I couldn't find any dubbed versions and I'm not too sure how accurate the subbed one was, considering for about a minute they had "[Something... something... about the exit :P :)]"
But oh well, I've read the books and I have a basic idea of what was going on since it's supposed to follow the books fairly closely.
I think I'm going to finish it up here since I don't know what other random boring stuff to bring up.
Better hope you didn't say anything bad about this while reading it, I'll be listening/watching 8D
P.S. I haven't had a postscript in a while... Yay, Deltora Quest soon xD
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hahahahaha, I'm so sorry Tay, I'm just kidding.
You've got to admit that you were pretty much asking for something like that ^,^
Yesterday I realised/found out a few awesome things!
Firstly, Deltora Quest, the collective title for 3 series of books by Emily Rodda that I read in primary school. (which was possibly the first or one of the first books that got me into reading, my memory is terrible, so I can't be sure...) The librarian was pretty awesome. Since the school only had some of the first series, she bought the rest one by one, read them, then placed them into the library database and let me borrow them =D
Anyways, the whole point to this is that I've found out that there's an anime of it (Japan - 2007) that's airing in Australia on the 1st of May!!! ^,^
B - I then realised that Iron Man 2 was just a day away!!! =O
No.3 - I was told by my sister that Australia's finally getting Zombieland on DVD on the 5th of May
So of course I was pretty damn happy by then =P
As some of you may know, I haven't played WoW much lately. Only about 5-8 times in the last 5-6 months... =O
Though i'm super excited for the Cataclysm expansion coming out later this year! I don't even know why they have a human form for the worgen. If possible, I'll be playing mine in wolfie form the whole time xD
Though I guess if they couldn't change between them we wouldn't have the awesome animation for the transformation!!! =D
Last of all, as many of you may already know, I got a haircut today. =O
All the photos look bad, but there's people who want to see what it looks like. I haven't really looked at them properly, so I don't know if it's really visibly different in the pictures. (It's still somewhat long)
Blegh >.<
Yes, they're small, for good reason... So I don't scare people too much.
Also you can't see the blood blister sort of thing caused by my brother trying to rip my piercing out... =P
You've got to admit that you were pretty much asking for something like that ^,^
Yesterday I realised/found out a few awesome things!

Anyways, the whole point to this is that I've found out that there's an anime of it (Japan - 2007) that's airing in Australia on the 1st of May!!! ^,^
B - I then realised that Iron Man 2 was just a day away!!! =O
No.3 - I was told by my sister that Australia's finally getting Zombieland on DVD on the 5th of May
So of course I was pretty damn happy by then =P
As some of you may know, I haven't played WoW much lately. Only about 5-8 times in the last 5-6 months... =O
Though i'm super excited for the Cataclysm expansion coming out later this year! I don't even know why they have a human form for the worgen. If possible, I'll be playing mine in wolfie form the whole time xD
Though I guess if they couldn't change between them we wouldn't have the awesome animation for the transformation!!! =D
Last of all, as many of you may already know, I got a haircut today. =O
All the photos look bad, but there's people who want to see what it looks like. I haven't really looked at them properly, so I don't know if it's really visibly different in the pictures. (It's still somewhat long)
Blegh >.<
Yes, they're small, for good reason... So I don't scare people too much.
Also you can't see the blood blister sort of thing caused by my brother trying to rip my piercing out... =P
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Gratitude & Memories
This is just a quick one, I was meaning to get it done last night for someone before they went to bed (I don't think they were serious, but I thought that it'd be a nice surprise). Failing that, I thought I'd finish it up and post it today =P
I'm very happy atm because 6 people (that I know of) read my blog & I have a couple continuously telling me to hurry up and do more!!! =D
I know that it doesn't seem like many, but I think that I've gotten most of them from the few posts I've made on facebook marking a new post on my blog.
I have the link on my facebook profile and in my msn personal message, if people want to click it, they will. I don't really want to go on msn and specifically tell someone to look at my blog when I do plenty of general advertising xD
Just about everyday Kira comes inside in the morning and at night for a few minutes while we give June her needle (easiest way to seperate them). This is always a terrible wake up call, which is why I always try to be awake before said beast is unleashed xD
Anyways, last night while I was sitting at the computer, Kira randomly sneaks into my room and nudges my leg. I look down and see that she has an old-ish toy of mine in her mouth that I haven't seen in a while.
If you don't know it from the picture, THAT'S HAMTARO!!! Hehe, I used to love watching that. Hamtaro is the most awesome-est hamster ever! ^,^
I totally want a hamster like Hamtaro. I'd set up cameras and an alarm on the cage door (silent or whatever, it'd make my phone ring a special ring tone, like mission impossible or something) so I'd know when he was going on adventures and I'd follow him!!!
That totally doesn't make me a stalker or anything..
I'd just like to say thank you to everyone that reads these! (I know I usually say this anyways, but this is specifically at those I know of ^,^)
It'd make me especially happy to know that more people actually read this, so far my numbers come from followers & comments/likes on facebook, so it doesn't take much to make me happy people! xD
I'm very happy atm because 6 people (that I know of) read my blog & I have a couple continuously telling me to hurry up and do more!!! =D
I know that it doesn't seem like many, but I think that I've gotten most of them from the few posts I've made on facebook marking a new post on my blog.
I have the link on my facebook profile and in my msn personal message, if people want to click it, they will. I don't really want to go on msn and specifically tell someone to look at my blog when I do plenty of general advertising xD
Anyways, last night while I was sitting at the computer, Kira randomly sneaks into my room and nudges my leg. I look down and see that she has an old-ish toy of mine in her mouth that I haven't seen in a while.
If you don't know it from the picture, THAT'S HAMTARO!!! Hehe, I used to love watching that. Hamtaro is the most awesome-est hamster ever! ^,^
I totally want a hamster like Hamtaro. I'd set up cameras and an alarm on the cage door (silent or whatever, it'd make my phone ring a special ring tone, like mission impossible or something) so I'd know when he was going on adventures and I'd follow him!!!
That totally doesn't make me a stalker or anything..
It'd make me especially happy to know that more people actually read this, so far my numbers come from followers & comments/likes on facebook, so it doesn't take much to make me happy people! xD
Monday, April 26, 2010
My Boring Life, Sorry For It Being So Boring... )=
Once again I'm constantly being pushed into making another post. I'm not sure if I'll be able to cope with these conditions...
This will probably be a shorter one partially because I'm lazy and partially because I'm boring... Though it may not be short... We'll see =P
I'm also playing guitar hero between typing, so yea... I might get distracted and there may be lots of mistakes (early warning rather than a P.S.).
Updates on my life... I went and did some stuff... the end!
Nooooo, I'm only kidding, I'll talk about it ^,^
Saturday I went bowling with Laura, Daniel, Chris and Jamie. I had a lot of fun, took a few crazy photos (where I look really stupid in every single one), got hit on (i think O.o) by some annoying little 12 year olds or something, and finished it off with a frozen coke and mcflurry ^,^
On sunday, I went with Michael & Lindsay up to Kangaroo Valley for some canoeing. At the start of the trip michael opened his wallet, so we had multiple moths flying around in his car...
First after surviving the drive there, we chained a bike to a tree at Bendeela Picnic Area, and then we drove through the town multiple times looking for a spot to stop the car + trailer & get the canoes down to the river. We finally got a parking spot near the Hampden bridge (which apparently Lindsay now has an intimate relationship with after the many times we drove over it).
Michael brought a double & a single canoe (which michael & lindsay took turns in, though michael had it the majority of the time as it had a hole or something in it and lindsay was being a wuss). Other than having to stop every 20-30 minutes to empty the water out of the single and wondering if we'd have to keep going in the dark because we started late-ish, we had a pretty awesome time. I guess you could say these things added to the dangerous/adventurous feel of the trip =D
After about 2 1/2 hours, we finally started to see people and tents!!! About 15 minutes later we decided to hop out of the water. We had no idea exactly where we were, so after having a bite to eat, michael & lindsay went looking for the bike.
Lindsay came back soon after and we had to wait for about an hour while michael rode the bike back to the car & then drove it back to us so we could pack up and go home. It got dark soon after michael left and all we had was a damp towel to keep us warm (which I graciously let lindsay use).
With the whole us needing to pack up and it being dark we borrowed a torch (which was low on battery and died halfway through) off some random campers nearby and used our phones. After all this we headed home, having some mcdonalds when we got to bomaderry =D
I'm possibly going to make a video out of the "journals" and stuff we recorded on my camera, though I'm not sure when I'll be making it & it probably won't be any good anyways... =P
I was going to add some other more random stuff, but I'm lazy and I feel like this is long enough already (even if it doesn't really have all my usual randomness =/).
Though it's going to be boring whatever I write, because it's me writing it!
Goodbye all & once again, thank you for wasting your time on me!!! ^,^
P.S. No 'P.S.' this time... wait... DAMNIT!!! >.
This will probably be a shorter one partially because I'm lazy and partially because I'm boring... Though it may not be short... We'll see =P
I'm also playing guitar hero between typing, so yea... I might get distracted and there may be lots of mistakes (early warning rather than a P.S.).
Updates on my life... I went and did some stuff... the end!
Nooooo, I'm only kidding, I'll talk about it ^,^
Saturday I went bowling with Laura, Daniel, Chris and Jamie. I had a lot of fun, took a few crazy photos (where I look really stupid in every single one), got hit on (i think O.o) by some annoying little 12 year olds or something, and finished it off with a frozen coke and mcflurry ^,^
On sunday, I went with Michael & Lindsay up to Kangaroo Valley for some canoeing. At the start of the trip michael opened his wallet, so we had multiple moths flying around in his car...
First after surviving the drive there, we chained a bike to a tree at Bendeela Picnic Area, and then we drove through the town multiple times looking for a spot to stop the car + trailer & get the canoes down to the river. We finally got a parking spot near the Hampden bridge (which apparently Lindsay now has an intimate relationship with after the many times we drove over it).
Michael brought a double & a single canoe (which michael & lindsay took turns in, though michael had it the majority of the time as it had a hole or something in it and lindsay was being a wuss). Other than having to stop every 20-30 minutes to empty the water out of the single and wondering if we'd have to keep going in the dark because we started late-ish, we had a pretty awesome time. I guess you could say these things added to the dangerous/adventurous feel of the trip =D
After about 2 1/2 hours, we finally started to see people and tents!!! About 15 minutes later we decided to hop out of the water. We had no idea exactly where we were, so after having a bite to eat, michael & lindsay went looking for the bike.
Lindsay came back soon after and we had to wait for about an hour while michael rode the bike back to the car & then drove it back to us so we could pack up and go home. It got dark soon after michael left and all we had was a damp towel to keep us warm (which I graciously let lindsay use).
With the whole us needing to pack up and it being dark we borrowed a torch (which was low on battery and died halfway through) off some random campers nearby and used our phones. After all this we headed home, having some mcdonalds when we got to bomaderry =D
I'm possibly going to make a video out of the "journals" and stuff we recorded on my camera, though I'm not sure when I'll be making it & it probably won't be any good anyways... =P
I was going to add some other more random stuff, but I'm lazy and I feel like this is long enough already (even if it doesn't really have all my usual randomness =/).
Though it's going to be boring whatever I write, because it's me writing it!
Goodbye all & once again, thank you for wasting your time on me!!! ^,^
P.S. No 'P.S.' this time... wait... DAMNIT!!! >.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Names, Movies, Ranting, Plans & Nakedness... You Love It
I've been pushed into making another post against my will by a few unknowns.
So I decided that I'd do it.... IN BINARY!!!!!!!
Hahahaha... imagine how long that'd be.... xD
But I did make this one kinda long to make up for the wait... though if you just want more frequent shorter ones, please tell me. (although I'd rather do it like this.... >.>)
Anyways, to start this one off, i thought i'd start with a not so short explanation (plus some random boasting) about my name before anyone starts asking me if it has anything to do with the shamwow. (NO!) -.-
As the title of my blog suggests, I play games (omg O.O). A few years ago when me and my brother were both making shamans on WoW, he went with the very common name of "Shamanator". I decided to go with Shamarai, a combination of shaman & samurai (sadly, shamans can't use swords) =(
I can't quite say if the name was unique, but i can proudly say that after a whole year (out of possibly hundreds of millions), there were only 3 characters that had the name Shamarai and mine was the only one at max level.
There are currently 26 characters with that name and i'm sad to see that 12 of them are alliance, 2 of which aren't even shamans!!!!! ='(
I was thinking of doing another dream segment, but you know what, the only dreams I remember are ones I'm not going to be telling any of you ^,^ And so I am going to quickly (ha... ha... ha...) talk about a movie that i have thought should be made on multiple occasions =D
This is the film adaptation of 'The Eye of the World'. Now this is the first of originally 12 books (excluding the prequel) in 'The Wheel of Time' series by (pen name) Robert Jordan. The last of which has been split into 3 books and will now be completed by Brandon Sanderson after the death of Robert Jordan in September, 2007. The last book(s) have alot of work done/drafted by Robert Jordan, so they will still be as the story was meant to be, but it'll be interesting to see whether Sanderson puts his own twist/feel into it and hopefully he'll do a good job. Red Eagle Entertainment have partnered with Universal Studios to produce the film adaptations of the WoT books. Although they have yet to attach a release date, there has been no news of the work on the film being cancelled.
Does anyone else find it a little weird that there are groups/pages on facebook such as "I love the feeling of taking my bra off after a looong day." with about 85% of the members/likers(?) being guys... Seriously, what the hell?!?! I wasn't aware that there were that many guys wearing bras out there. I mean, I haven't personally checked any guys. But I assumed that guys generally didn't wear them because of the whole, they're made for girls thing.
Well it's the beginning of the long weekend (well technically I guess that it started yesterday arvo) and i'm surprised that i already have plans to go bowling tonight with laura, daniel and... I paid no more attention as to who was going... but i'm sure it'll be fun! At least I'm not going to be sitting at home... in my room... all alone... on the computer... naked... blogging... You thought i was doing something else didn't you?!?!? SICKO!
Also if anyone else has plans, I know someone that would love an invite... for anyone who also has this one or has seen me use it on msn (probably everyone who is going to read this (very few)) ]\ ]\ ]\
Damnit I so want proper picture/icon emoticons everywhere on the net =_=
Thank you for wasting your precious time that you could be using to do something so much more productive (ha... ha...)
I'd just like to apologise to all my rapt readers (ha... ha...) for making you all (ha... ha...) wait so long for this =P
Please don't do anything stupid if I take a while to write another one... You'd leave an awful mess that someone would have to clean up... and that someone won't be me -.-
P.S. Just so you know, it would have been approximately 7-8 times bigger as binary... line-wise... with every line completely filled up... O.O
P.P.S. Once again I was too lazy to go through the majority of this so... mistakes blah blah blah, who cares blah blah blah, deal with it blah blah blah ^,^
+ I am not currently naked... at least not completely >.>
So I decided that I'd do it.... IN BINARY!!!!!!!
Hahahaha... imagine how long that'd be.... xD
But I did make this one kinda long to make up for the wait... though if you just want more frequent shorter ones, please tell me. (although I'd rather do it like this.... >.>)
Anyways, to start this one off, i thought i'd start with a not so short explanation (plus some random boasting) about my name before anyone starts asking me if it has anything to do with the shamwow. (NO!) -.-
As the title of my blog suggests, I play games (omg O.O). A few years ago when me and my brother were both making shamans on WoW, he went with the very common name of "Shamanator". I decided to go with Shamarai, a combination of shaman & samurai (sadly, shamans can't use swords) =(
I can't quite say if the name was unique, but i can proudly say that after a whole year (out of possibly hundreds of millions), there were only 3 characters that had the name Shamarai and mine was the only one at max level.
There are currently 26 characters with that name and i'm sad to see that 12 of them are alliance, 2 of which aren't even shamans!!!!! ='(
I was thinking of doing another dream segment, but you know what, the only dreams I remember are ones I'm not going to be telling any of you ^,^ And so I am going to quickly (ha... ha... ha...) talk about a movie that i have thought should be made on multiple occasions =D
This is the film adaptation of 'The Eye of the World'. Now this is the first of originally 12 books (excluding the prequel) in 'The Wheel of Time' series by (pen name) Robert Jordan. The last of which has been split into 3 books and will now be completed by Brandon Sanderson after the death of Robert Jordan in September, 2007. The last book(s) have alot of work done/drafted by Robert Jordan, so they will still be as the story was meant to be, but it'll be interesting to see whether Sanderson puts his own twist/feel into it and hopefully he'll do a good job. Red Eagle Entertainment have partnered with Universal Studios to produce the film adaptations of the WoT books. Although they have yet to attach a release date, there has been no news of the work on the film being cancelled.
Does anyone else find it a little weird that there are groups/pages on facebook such as "I love the feeling of taking my bra off after a looong day." with about 85% of the members/likers(?) being guys... Seriously, what the hell?!?! I wasn't aware that there were that many guys wearing bras out there. I mean, I haven't personally checked any guys. But I assumed that guys generally didn't wear them because of the whole, they're made for girls thing.
Well it's the beginning of the long weekend (well technically I guess that it started yesterday arvo) and i'm surprised that i already have plans to go bowling tonight with laura, daniel and... I paid no more attention as to who was going... but i'm sure it'll be fun! At least I'm not going to be sitting at home... in my room... all alone... on the computer... naked... blogging... You thought i was doing something else didn't you?!?!? SICKO!
Also if anyone else has plans, I know someone that would love an invite... for anyone who also has this one or has seen me use it on msn (probably everyone who is going to read this (very few)) ]\ ]\ ]\
Damnit I so want proper picture/icon emoticons everywhere on the net =_=
Thank you for wasting your precious time that you could be using to do something so much more productive (ha... ha...)
I'd just like to apologise to all my rapt readers (ha... ha...) for making you all (ha... ha...) wait so long for this =P
Please don't do anything stupid if I take a while to write another one... You'd leave an awful mess that someone would have to clean up... and that someone won't be me -.-
P.S. Just so you know, it would have been approximately 7-8 times bigger as binary... line-wise... with every line completely filled up... O.O
P.P.S. Once again I was too lazy to go through the majority of this so... mistakes blah blah blah, who cares blah blah blah, deal with it blah blah blah ^,^
+ I am not currently naked... at least not completely >.>
Thursday, April 15, 2010
My First Blog Post
Welcome everyone to my blog!!! Should i give myself a pat on the back for my very unique title on my first post?
I'm not at all sure how often i will be posting on this, or how long i will be able to keep it going, as i am quite a boring & weird person that no one wants to hear about. ^,^
Sooooo, for anyone who didn't see my facebook post.... Yesterday at about 9 in the morning i put a dare (iced coffee) sticker on my leg (I hadn't slept) and it is currently still present. Though it will be going soon after this post as i am going to have a shower (i had a shower the night before last and i slept during the day so i didn't think i'd be going anywhere during the night...) plus i only woke up an hour ago or something. I've been having alot of either really small or fairly long (12 hrs) sleeps lately, generally just because there isn't any reason for me to be getting up, so i just keep falling asleep aaaand i end up more tired than ever... =(
I don't remember many of the dreams i had last ni... today >.> But the last one was a game dream and i was awesome! =D
Bascially it was a Modern Warfare 2 dream where i pulled of some awesome moves like using an enemys body to block the knife of another, spinning around that body and swinging my arm around stabbing the guy in the neck and spinning around while stepping to the side to dodge someone behind me, throwing a knife and getting him in the neck. I'm just so awesome like that, i defy all game rules.
Luckily i didn't see any gore like in horror movies, as i am sure i would be vomiting right now... but it was like i was in the game, so it wasn't all "blood and guts spilling out of the wounds" like. Plus it wasn't focusing on the fact i was killing people, it was focusing on the fact that i am purely awesome! =D
Well i'm afraid this has been a purely boring post... see see, i'm contrasting the way i saw myself in my dream, to the way everyone will think of me... hehe
That'll be all for today, feel free to completely ignore any more posts i make ^,^
P.S. I'm sorry for the excessive use of emoticons and ellipsis, as it's sometimes hard to give mood through text (possibly just because i fail at doing it) i like to use emoticons... plus ellipsis are just awesome... even if i don't know how to use them properly ^,^
P.P.S I was too lazy to go through and correct anything, deal with it! =D
I'm not at all sure how often i will be posting on this, or how long i will be able to keep it going, as i am quite a boring & weird person that no one wants to hear about. ^,^
Sooooo, for anyone who didn't see my facebook post.... Yesterday at about 9 in the morning i put a dare (iced coffee) sticker on my leg (I hadn't slept) and it is currently still present. Though it will be going soon after this post as i am going to have a shower (i had a shower the night before last and i slept during the day so i didn't think i'd be going anywhere during the night...) plus i only woke up an hour ago or something. I've been having alot of either really small or fairly long (12 hrs) sleeps lately, generally just because there isn't any reason for me to be getting up, so i just keep falling asleep aaaand i end up more tired than ever... =(
I don't remember many of the dreams i had last ni... today >.> But the last one was a game dream and i was awesome! =D
Bascially it was a Modern Warfare 2 dream where i pulled of some awesome moves like using an enemys body to block the knife of another, spinning around that body and swinging my arm around stabbing the guy in the neck and spinning around while stepping to the side to dodge someone behind me, throwing a knife and getting him in the neck. I'm just so awesome like that, i defy all game rules.
Luckily i didn't see any gore like in horror movies, as i am sure i would be vomiting right now... but it was like i was in the game, so it wasn't all "blood and guts spilling out of the wounds" like. Plus it wasn't focusing on the fact i was killing people, it was focusing on the fact that i am purely awesome! =D
Well i'm afraid this has been a purely boring post... see see, i'm contrasting the way i saw myself in my dream, to the way everyone will think of me... hehe
That'll be all for today, feel free to completely ignore any more posts i make ^,^
P.S. I'm sorry for the excessive use of emoticons and ellipsis, as it's sometimes hard to give mood through text (possibly just because i fail at doing it) i like to use emoticons... plus ellipsis are just awesome... even if i don't know how to use them properly ^,^
P.P.S I was too lazy to go through and correct anything, deal with it! =D
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